
learning to trust God

becos i realised that i am not very good at it :) especially when things start to act up.. i am never good at handling last minute changes or sudden uncertainties. currently facing a bad situation, and i have no idea how to get out of it. or rather, i am not sure if i can get out of it. things seem quite bleak at the moment and i am really feeling quite helpless about it. A phrase came into my head like now..
Be still, and know that I am God.
i am also never good at keeping still. argh. but now that i am helpless, i guess i dun have much choice but to wait for God's deliverance :)
Just went BSF tonight. Starting to enjoy it again, and i am sure i will be sad to move over to the Bishan session when i move. I dun even know if there is space for me at Bishan!

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